IPA: ʃˈipɪʃnʌs
- The quality or property of being sheepish; shyness; bashfulness.
Examples of "sheepishness" in Sentences
- Naysayers and pessimists can point all they want to the "sheepishness," indolence and decadence of the American people.
- While my initial reaction was sheepishness, I knew the call was serious and wondered if it had to do with his ongoing health problems.
- "It's Louie," said Jack, with an expression of face that was as near an approximation to what is called sheepishness as any thing I ever saw.
- The other riders come in very slowly, and are oppressed by that indescribable air of sheepishness which is peculiar to gentleman jockeys when they do not win.
- "That's not to say that there aren't some" Obama sheep "out there, but" sheepishness "is largely a characteristic of the willfully ignorant on the far right." - bozo
- It was almost a prayer, but a prayer that included a thousand meanings Daylight strove to feign sheepishness, but his heart was singing too wild a song for mere playfulness.
- I'm interested in these 'non-negotiable basics of Britishness', which when propounded in the media, usually end up as the one over-riding quality, namely a mythical sheepishness in allowing anyone who happens upon our land, to claim by nothing more than their arrival, to be as British as us.
- I do not suggest that these obstacles were placed there consciously with the prospect of now and then enjoying the sight of an unsuspecting or unobservant or uninitiated passer-by collapsing in a jolly heap of flailing arms, smashed salsa bottles, broken eggs, spilled veggies and an overwhelming sense of sheepishness.