IPA: ʃˈɛɫdreɪk
- An Old World duck of the genus Tadorna (shelducks).
- A male shelduck.
- A merganser.
- The call sign for an artillery officer.
- A surname transferred from the nickname.
Examples of "sheldrake" in Sentences
- The sheldrake waddled along the edge of the pond, its feathers shimmering in the sunlight
- I spotted a pair of sheldrakes nesting in the marsh, their distinctive calls echoing through the air
- The sheldrake's iridescent green head bobbed up and down as it searched for insects along the muddy banks
- As the sun began to set, the sheldrake paddled gracefully across the water, leaving a rippling wake behind
- The sheldrake's colorful plumage stood out against the drab backdrop of the marsh, a vibrant burst of life in the wilderness