
IPA: ʃˈɛɫvɝ


  • One who or that which shelves something.

Examples of "shelver" in Sentences

  • I work as a shelver in the Children's Department at the local library, and he's everywhere.
  • TRAVIS (Caller): Yeah, I used to be a shelver at a library here in South Bend, a public library.
  • Arlington public library needs a book shelver and a circulation assistant at Columbia Pike Library.
  • I graduated from high school in 1994, and worked as a Page (shelver) in my local public library from 1992-94.
  • If you are interested in applying for the Genealogy shelver position, you must have completed the tenth grade and be able to shelve and retrieve materials stored in specific numerical or alphabetical order.
  • While attended college and attempting to spend five minutes in every major that they offered, I came to the realization that my part time job as a shelver in the Milwaukee Public Library could be a career path.
  • I had been working for Alice Angelo, the Public Services Librarian, for four years at that point, as a student circ employee, shelver, and “In-Charge Student”, which meant that I worked the Reference desk between 10 pm and 1 am on rotating weeknights, and I also opened the library and supervised the circ desk from 8 to noon on Sundays.

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