IPA: ʃˈɛrʌf
- (Britain, except Scotland) (High Sheriff) An official of a shire or county office, responsible for carrying out court orders, law enforcement and other duties.
- (Scotland) A judge in the sheriff court, the court of a county or sheriffdom.
- (US) A government official, usually responsible for law enforcement in their county and for administration of the county jail, sometimes an officer of the court, usually elected.
- An English surname originating as an occupation.
- To carry out the duties of a sheriff
Examples of "sheriff" in Sentences
- The sheriff rode into town on his trusty horse, ready to uphold the law
- The sheriff's badge glinted in the sunlight as he apprehended the notorious outlaw
- The townspeople gathered in the square to hear the sheriff's announcement about the new curfew
- The sheriff's deputy informed him of the recent string of burglaries in the area
- The sheriff's swift action prevented a potential riot from breaking out at the saloon