IPA: ʃˈɪbʌɫɛθ
- A particular pronunciation or custom that is regarded as distinguishing members of a group from non-members, especially when used as a test.
- A common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth.
Examples of "shibboleth" in Sentences
- Old people have shibboleth.
- He cannot conquer the shibboleth.
- The issue became a bit of a shibboleth.
- This is something of a shibboleth, actually.
- Prescriptivists consider the word a shibboleth.
- A shibboleth should actually belie the speaker's origin.
- 'Fish and chips' is really the only dependable shibboleth.
- The name became a shibboleth when sectarian tensions increased.
- The following exchange is a shibboleth for Broad Norfolk speakers.
- I think this is taking the term shibboleth way beyond the intention.