
IPA: ʃˈɪfti


  • Subject to frequent changes in direction.
  • (of a person's eyes) Moving from one object to another; not looking directly and steadily at the person with whom one is speaking.
  • Having the appearance of being dishonest, criminal, or unreliable.
  • Resourceful; full of, or ready with, shifts or expedients.

Examples of "shifty" in Sentences

  • To all thoseRay 'shifty' saying: "Let the consumer decide"
  • Lets face it being a dealer is a kind of shifty profession.
  • And he looked kind of shifty when I turned up with my Other Half, Andy, in tow.
  • This makes explicit what was part of the subtext of my essay: Even Microsoft doesn't do this kind of shifty crap anymore, if they can help it.
  • Nevertheless, Cameron's performance evoked from The Telegraph the headline, "Cameron attacks 'shifty' Brown over EU treaty", with an equally robust headline from The Daily Express.
  • Sort of like the scene early in the movie where everyone's young and idealistic and swears they'll never abandon their liberal principles, then one of them gets kind of shifty-eyed . . .
  • It's sort of like arguing that forming the Coalition to begin with was undemocratic: it wasn't; it was just kind of shifty, like the proroguing, arguably depending who you're cheering for was.
  • The GOP is now proving that despite their former warnings of doom (when THAT suited their purposes), they now embrace this "shifty" legal strategy as an effective way of illegitimately preventing a Senator from the opposing party from taking office at all.

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