IPA: ʃˈɪɫ
- A person paid to endorse a product while pretending to be impartial.
- (derogatory) Any person paid to endorse a product.
- An accomplice at a confidence trick during an auction or gambling game.
- (gambling) A house player in a casino.
- A surname.
- (derogatory) To promote or endorse in return for payment, especially dishonestly.
- To put under cover; to sheal.
- (UK, obsolete, dialect) To shell.
Examples of "shill" in Sentences
- The speaker at the event was accused of being a shill for the pharmaceutical company
- I didn't trust the reviews on the website because they seemed like they were written by shills
- The politician was accused of using shills to promote his agenda online
- The company hired shills to artificially inflate their product's popularity
- Don't be fooled by those shills trying to sell you a bogus miracle cure