IPA: ʃˈɪɫɪɫʌg
- (Ireland) A wooden (traditionally blackthorn (sloe) wood) club ending with a large knob.
- Any cudgel, whether or not of Irish origin.
- A village in County Wicklow, Ireland.
Examples of "shillelagh" in Sentences
- Oh, and for the publication quest, be sure to pack your shillelagh.
- And in the immortal words of John Belushi, "I'd like to smash you in the face with my shillelagh".
- Because it's full of the kind of leprechaun, shillelagh, Erin Go Bragh factor, which is a bit cringy.
- Charlie had gone from crutches to a cane, which he now swung around as he walked, like the same old shillelagh me father brought from Ireland.
- She caressed his flaccid shillelagh, wondering if Ricki would ever forgive her; wondering, too, if she would have felt half this good after sex with Ricki.
- For those not versed in Irish history or post WWII cartoons, a shillelagh is a wooden club, typically made from a stout knotty stick, with a large knob on the end.
- The rest of the day I'll spend wandering the halls of Congress with my shillelagh and shamrocks, doing my best impersonation of St. Patrick as I try to drive the snakes out of Capitol Hill.