IPA: ʃˈɪŋɫɝ
- (US) A person who installs shingles.
- A metalworker who hammers and squeezes material to expel impurities.
- A surname.
Examples of "shingler" in Sentences
- Her robust vitality is veined with humour; she watches a roof-shingler with active delight, discovering poetry in cheerful manual toil.
- The expected tragedy never occurred, however, and the inspired shingler fulfilled his promise to the letter, so that before many months the Dorcas
- Joe was his best man, his most experienced worker and fastest shingler, but Ted had been so pissed off that he'd told the Indian that if he left now he'd never work for his company again.
- The expected tragedy never occurred, however, and the inspired shingler fulfilled his promise to the letter, so that before many months the Dorcas Society proceeded, with incredible exertion, to earn more money, and the interior of the church was neatly painted and made as fresh as a rose.