IPA: ʃˈɪpoʊnɝ
- (nautical) Someone who owns a ship.
Examples of "shipowner" in Sentences
- The shipowner is a cousin—a relation of some kind.
- In 1898 he entered the shipping business and later became a wealthy shipowner.
- The shipowner received earlier payments in late November only after seizing the chartered vessel.
- Liability is covered through a separate arrangement with the Standard Club, a mutual insurance association owned by its shipowner members.
- "armateur" — a kind of shipowner, or one who fits out and charters ships, and sometimes commands them himself — the profession of Jean Bart and Duguay
- The majority of shipowner associations such as the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Shipping Federation have made it clear that they prefer to use international military personnel over the hiring of armed guards to protect their ships and cargo.
- Readers who would find the report useful would be those with an active interest in the short term commercial outlook of shipping, such as shipowner / operators, financial institutions, shipbuilders, shipbrokers and FFA traders as well as research analysts and journalists.