IPA: ʃˈɪpwɝm
- Any of several wormlike marine molluscs (not true worms) of the family Teredinidae that bore through the wooden hulls of ships and other woody material immersed in salt water; specifically, the naval shipworm or turu (Teredo navalis), the type species of the genus Teredo.
Examples of "shipworm" in Sentences
- Shipworms are marine organisms that bore into wooden structures like ships and docks
- The shipworm's diet consists mainly of wood fibers, which they digest with the help of bacteria in their guts
- Shipworm infestations can weaken wooden structures and lead to costly repairs
- Shipworms have long, slender bodies that allow them to burrow deep into wood
- Early sailors believed that shipworms were the result of a curse from the sea gods