IPA: ʃˈɑkɝ
- (colloquial) One who or that which shocks or startles.
- A device for giving electric shocks.
- (colloquial) Something done really badly.
- (agriculture, rare) Synonym of stooker.
- (slang, vulgar, colloquial) A particular hand gesture with a sexual connotation.
- (slang, vulgar, colloquial) Sexual act related to the shocker hand gesture: two in the pink, one in the stink.
Examples of "shocker" in Sentences
- The twist ending of the movie was a real shocker that left everyone in the audience gasping
- It was a shocker to hear that my favorite band was breaking up after their final tour
- The news of the company's sudden bankruptcy was a shocker to all of its employees
- Finding out that my best friend had been keeping a huge secret from me was a real shocker
- It was a shocker when my team pulled off a last-minute victory in the championship game