IPA: ʃˈoʊbɪɫ
- Balaeniceps rex, a tall wading bird related to the stork, native to tropical African swamps; the sole species of the family Balaenicipitidae.
Examples of "shoebill" in Sentences
- The shoebill image, taken by Doug Janson, is from here.
- The shoebill, also known as the whalehead, is a large bird from East Africa.
- One of its biggest attractions is the lofty shoebill stork, which feeds on baby crocodiles amongst other things.
- The shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) is a large bird (4 feet tall, wingspan of 7.7 feet) that hails from tropical east Africa.
- They support the largest population of shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) in Africa with an estimated population of roughly 5,000.
- While the shoebill is technically a type of stork, it's not hard to see why the cartoon kinds that always show up delivering babies don't look much like this hook-billed cousin.
- And as these amateur photos from the San Diego Wild Animal Park show, the shoebill isn't always in predator mode -- here, it gently moves a duck out of its way with only a few feathers lost.
- Notable mountain forest birds are the Rwenzori turaco, Musophaga johnstoni and the handsome francolin, Francolinus nobilis; also the forest ground thrush Turdus oberlaenderi and the shoebill Balaeniceps rex.
- Measuring up at nearly 5 feet tall, and native to the East African White Nile marshes, the shoebill has a wingspan of as much as 10 feet -- and a reputation for violent nocturnal feedings of fish, turtles, baby birds, and small crocodiles; however, with as few as 5,000 left in the world, the
- Other globally threatened species recorded in this ecoregion include wattled crane (Bugeranus carunculatus, VU), which has its main breeding populations in the wetlands of Zambia, including the Kafue Flats and the Bangweulu and Busanga swamps, corncrake (Crex crex, VU), lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni, VU), great snipe (Gallinago media) and shoebill stork (Balaeniceps rex).