
IPA: ʃˈɔrthænd


  • A rough and rapid method of writing by substituting symbols for letters, words, etc.
  • (by extension) Any brief or shortened way of saying or doing something.


  • (transitive) To render (spoken or written words) into shorthand.
  • (transitive, by extension) To use a brief or shortened way of saying or doing something.
  • (intransitive) To write in shorthand.

Examples of "shorthand" in Sentences

  • Without the webkit, moz, and o declarations, the full rule (not in shorthand) would be:
  • But this shorthand is Orwellian doublespeak that turns victim into perpetrator and distorts history.
  • People no longer see the importance of proper grammar or writing skills because they can communicate everything in shorthand code.
  • He studied book - keeping and type-writing, and he paid for lessons in shorthand by dictating at night to a court reporter who needed practice.
  • Actually, it is not so much an argument as it is an expression of a new world view, or belief system which in shorthand is referred to as ‘materialism’.
  • In order, the properties set in shorthand are the property to be transitioned (color), the duration of the transition (.5 second), and the type of transition (ease-in).
  • All other letters were rubber-stamped by Mr. Blake, who, also, in shorthand, in the course of the hour, put down the indicated answers to many letters and received the formula designations of reply to many other letters.

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