IPA: ʃˈɑtʌ
- (obsolete, UK, dialect) A fish resembling the trout, the grayling (Thymallus thymallus).
- Alternative form of shoat [A young, newly-weaned pig.]
Examples of "shote" in Sentences
- If he lives, he'll be a poor shote, and no mistake.
- “I kan tak a shote,” quod Watson, lookynge right over his rokke.
- Bet þuhte þat heo were i {} shote. of harpe· ⁊ pipe· þan of þrote.
- I'm a poor shote, but if I could, I'd use my wuthless life fur her.
- By the hross of Xristos, Holophullopopu-lace is a shote of excramation!
- The first off arros that the shote off, seven skore spear-men the sloughe.
- All this stuff about reading the Bible, shooting ducks, drinking shote with the guys,etc. is NO different than the sniper fire.
- Why, I gave him a shote a month ago, and I don't believe there is a sled or a jack-knife in the hull neighborhood any more, for Johnny's got them in our garret, but the pig is gone.
- These do thei bringe vp, and make of as deerly, as thei do of their owne children: teachinge them to ride, to shote, to throwe the darte, and suche like feates, with great diligence and handsomenes.
- In the room to the left of the door a "bonneva," or half-grown pig of the size called a "shote," in the State of Georgia, was disporting himself by looking on at a girl spinning wool, a "boy" doing nothing, and two dirty youngsters wallowing on the floor.