
IPA: ʃˈaʊt


  • A loud burst of voice or voices; a violent and sudden outcry, especially that of a multitude expressing joy, triumph, exultation, anger, or great effort.
  • (UK, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A round of drinks in a pub; the turn to pay the shot or scot; an act of paying for a round of drinks.
  • (UK, Australia, slang) A call-out for an emergency services team.
  • (informal) A greeting, name-check or other mention, for example on a radio or TV programme.
  • (informal) A suggestion; an idea.
  • (UK, dialect) A light flat-bottomed boat used in duck-shooting.


  • (intransitive) To utter a sudden and loud cry, as in joy, triumph, exultation or anger, or to attract attention, to animate others, etc.
  • (transitive) To utter with a shout; to cry; to shout out
  • (intransitive, figuratively) To forcefully attract attention or proclaim one’s presence.
  • (Australia, New Zealand, slang) To pay for food, drink or entertainment for others.
  • (Internet) To post a text message (for example, email) in upper case, regarded as the electronic messaging equivalent of oral shouting.
  • (transitive, obsolete) To treat with shouts or clamor.

Examples of "shout" in Sentences

  • The blow, and the great shout from the audience, angered him.
  • I don't remember the exact inquiry from that day in suburban Phoenix, only the difficulty Coughlin had with the term shout-out.
  • But it is much easier to shout from the safety of the bleacher seats than playing on the field having to negotiate a 380-pound tackle.
  • He was frightened and thinking furiously when in his headset he heard Underhill shout, “Fox!” — the code word for I have just fired a missile.
  • Yesterday the Coast Guard hearing powered right through the lunch hour and all the way to 2 p.m. before taking a break, and I felt bad that I had to shout from the back row "WHAT ABOUT MY LUNCH????"
  • Online, Stowe has chronicled plenty of drama — wild storms, exotic sealife and his girlfriend, Soanya Ahmad becoming pregnant and going ashore — even as he mixes in shout-outs to sponsors who make his isolation possible.
  • Caught off guard, I thought about the object of my study, and how prayer isn't something you shout from the rooftops; just like tithing -- where your left hand shouldn't know what your right hand is doing -- worship should be done in private.
  • My intent with companies that I'm involved with now is to get them to profitable growth as quickly as possible, build GREAT companies that customers and employees want to shout from the rooftops about, and NEVER sell them!! ... a little bit different from that kid who dreamed of building and SELLING companies.

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