
IPA: ʃˈoʊmʌn


  • A person who produces or presents shows as a profession, especially the proprietor, manager, or MC of a circus or variety show.
  • A person skilled in dramatic or entertaining presentation, performance, or publicity.
  • A surname.

Examples of "showman" in Sentences

  • Associated Press Steve Jobs, shown at an event in 2007, was known as a showman.
  • And, catching a look in Hiram's eyes that seemed to hint at something, he called the showman aside.
  • They were polished, had class, and knew how to be showman, which is sorley lacking in many groups today.
  • Adam Lambert, that showman from a season past, knew how to be a true entertainer and connect with audiences.
  • And was a showman, which is -- you know, I came out of the theater, so show biz meant a lot to me and he was a showman.
  • My guess as a showman is that this 'fraidy-cat policy will cost this movie at least a million domestic at the box office.
  • Walker was always known as a showman, and for the next generation of event coordinators, they just want to put on a show.
  • But of more interest to the showman were the roughly 100 newspaper editors from up and down the Eastern seaboard in the audience, whose train fare and hotel lodging he called "a very costly piece of advertising, which yet yielded us a magnificent return."
  • It was Liberace-an early genius of cross-platform branding, and one of its first victims-who coined the showman's retort about "crying all the way to the bank" before dying in his mirrored Las Vegas palace, wig still firmly glued to his bald head and God knows how many rings on his fingers.

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