IPA: ʃrˈæpnʌɫ
- (military, historical) An anti-personnel artillery shell used in World War I which carries a large number of individual bullets close to the target and then ejects them to allow them to continue along the shell's trajectory and strike the target individually.
- (military, historical) The bullets from the aforementioned type of artillery shell.
- (military) Shot, fragments, or debris thrown out by an exploding shell, bomb or landmine.
- (slang) Loose change.
- Debris.
- A surname
Examples of "shrapnel" in Sentences
- The explosion sent shrapnel flying in all directions, causing widespread damage
- Soldiers on the front lines were always on the lookout for stray shrapnel from enemy artillery
- The surgery to remove the embedded shrapnel from the soldier's leg was successful
- Ducking behind cover, the soldier felt the hot sting of shrapnel as it whizzed past
- The bomb blast left behind a trail of destruction, with shards of shrapnel embedded in buildings and vehicles