
IPA: ʃrˈuɪʃ


  • Of or pertaining to a shrew (a nagging, ill-tempered woman).
  • Bad-tempered; ill-natured; obstinate, as a shrew.

Examples of "shrewish" in Sentences

  • He calls her "shrewish", "looking (and failing, evidently) to find someone or something in
  • Colonel Tigh is an angry bitter drunk, and Ellen is his shrewish and manipulative ex-wife.
  • It was the one thing he feared about her — that pain and disappointment had made her bitter, shrewish.
  • Dear Lydia, you can consider yourself honored at least to be the opposite of a shrewish man hater of which there is no shortage.
  • But these days, bravado in men on screen plays chauvinistic and strength boorish, where for women, good sense is written as shrewish and vulnerability weak.
  • Hillary also won over my skeptical staff at the US embassy, many of whom had read the negative US press about her and expected that she would be a kind of shrewish Dragon Lady.
  • As the years pass, the generation of grandchildren grows up to face its own difficulties – a hated boarding school, the uncertainty about a lost father, a sad, shrewish mother.
  • Most of the main characters are emotionally balked men who hide from their exasperated, shrewish wives by throwing themselves into their work and who are given to as in one story "building tall towers of self-pity and then watching them sway."
  • In Norway, for example, when Gro Harlem Brundtland became prime minister in 1981, she had to endure some of the same sexist scrutnisation which Hillary is currently facing (i.e. the woman is a "witch or a bitch", and has a "bad temper" and tends to sound "shrewish" when "agitated").

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