IPA: ʃrˈɪŋk
- Shrinkage; contraction; recoil.
- (slang, sometimes derogatory) A psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
- (uncountable, business) Loss of inventory, for example due to shoplifting or not selling items before their expiration date.
- (transitive) To cause to become smaller.
- (intransitive) To become smaller; to contract.
- (intransitive) To cower or flinch.
- (transitive) To draw back; to withdraw.
- (intransitive, figuratively) To withdraw or retire, as from danger.
- (intransitive) To move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust.
Examples of "shrink" in Sentences
- The wool sweater shrunk in the wash, and now it barely fits me
- When the economy took a downturn, our company had to shrink its workforce
- The hot water caused the plastic cup to shrink and distort its shape
- As the temperature dropped, the lake began to shrink in size
- With each passing year, my once vast collection of books continues to shrink as I donate them to charity