IPA: ʃˈʌdɝɪŋɫi
- With a shuddering motion.
Examples of "shudderingly" in Sentences
- "Ugh -- the filthy beasts," Joan gulped shudderingly.
- People surviving or dying in ways at once shudderingly alien and hauntingly familiar, if only on celluloid.
- If Niagara Falls surged horizontally and a rickety bridge arced, shudderingly, over the torrent below, it might feel like the Nile at Karuma.
- Yet appear "more human" achieves precisely the opposite, as everyone who remembers Gordon Brown's attempts at turning his frown upside down can shudderingly affirm.
- There are tables and oddments of the depressing sort we can all remember shudderingly from the house of a grandparent or great-grandparent, which remind us why later generations decried the Victorian aesthetic.
- He recalled shudderingly brother engineers whose wives dragged about with them, living on the edge of construction camps under canvas in summer, in rough-boarded, tar-papered shacks in the winter; or perhaps in half-furnished cottages in some nearby jerk-water town.
- Examples of the Bush administration's self-proclaimed commitment to a "balanced approach to drug control" are abundant, but I chose this one because of its shudderingly ironic same-breath endorsement of John "Unbalanced Approach" Walters to serve as the nation's Drug Czar.
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