IPA: ʃˈʌtʌɫkɑk
- (countable) A lightweight object that is conical in shape with a cork or rubber-covered nose, used in badminton the way a ball is used in other racquet games. [from early 16th c.]
- (uncountable, dated) The game of badminton.
- To move rapidly back and forth.
- To send or toss back and forth; to bandy.
Examples of "shuttlecock" in Sentences
- The shuttlecock is a cork in which feathers have been inserted.
- It'll give you an excuse to say "shuttlecock" without feeling silly.
- The "shuttlecock" configuration is for sub-orbital speeds, not orbital speeds.
- Every one promised, as it were, to be a battle-dore if I would be the other, and the shuttlecock was to be our letters, — egad!
- Upon its return to earth, the spacecraft transforms from an airplane-like shape to a "shuttlecock," wafting down through the atmosphere yet not overheating.
- I could understand that my father was disapproved of by them, and that I was a kind of shuttlecock flying between two battledores; but why they pitied me I could not understand.
- Even the bonnet with the eagle's feather, which Sir Walter Scott induced Kemble to substitute for his "shuttlecock" headdress of ostrich plumes, was held to be inadmissible: the Macbeth of the antiquaries wore a conical iron helmet, and was otherwise arrayed in barbaric armour.