IPA: sˈɪbɫɪŋ
- A person who shares a parent; one's brother or sister who one shares a parent with.
- (computing theory) A node in a data structure that shares its parent with another node.
- (taxonomy) The most closely related species, or one of several most closely related species when none can be determined to be more closely related.
Examples of "sibling" in Sentences
- The chance that my other sibling is a sister is (roughly) 50%.
- In the MM pair, you ask each man if his sibling is male or female.
- MM there the probability that if you are a male, your sibling is a female is 2/3
- MM there the probability that if you are a male, your sibling is a female is 2/3 tomemos Says:
- Fighting, Fighting, and More Fighting:Does the word sibling have to be synonymous with the word fight?
- Stand to Reason uses the term sibling rivalry to describe conflicting arguments used by the same party.
- He cited the biblical parable of the prodigal son, in which the older sibling is envious of his dissolute brother, whose return home sparks a big party.