IPA: sˈɪkbeɪ
- A place used as a hospital on board a ship, on a spaceship (in science fiction).
- A room or area for the treatment of the sick or injured in a school.
Examples of "sickbay" in Sentences
- There is this brand new invention called 'sickbay.'
- The room known as the sickbay was similarly situated.
- I need to go down to what is laughingly called sickbay.
- He found a bulkhead intercom and called sickbay, using the prearranged code just in case anyone else was listening.
- Fek, why when in sickbay would you not also grab a handful of that Surgical Lube that I stole from my wife’s Gynocologists office?
- The relief workers had found over a hundred people who had been injured when the Cardassians blew up their base; sensor scans said that they had found every single survivor, and the word from sickbay was that the workers had saved at least a score of Megarans from otherwise certain death.