IPA: sˈɪkbd
- A bed used by a person who is sick.
- A place for convalescence.
Examples of "sickbed" in Sentences
- If only Matthew could rise from his sickbed and give this snake a pounding.
- Now suppose the man gets a diagnosis of a terminal illness and takes to the sickbed, waiting to die.
- His friends described his last three weeks in sickbed, attended to by them and members of his family.
- And just so you don't have to rise from a sickbed over the long weekend, I'll try not to be polemical here and require a reply.
- He could not walk and had to be carried by his servants into the Long Lane meeting house.25 Rising from his sickbed was an act of will.
- This one, The House On Tradd Street by Karen White, came from a friend and being on my "sickbed" with a sore throat I was reading anything that came my way.
- There is a sad and charming story that when Alexander realized he was dying, he secretly dragged himself from his sickbed out of the palace to throw himself into the Euphrates so that he might vanish from the world without a trace.