IPA: sˈaɪdbɝn
- (UK, smoking) The unwanted rapid burning down one side of a cigarette that has been ineptly rolled.
Examples of "sideburn" in Sentences
- It was just last week that I totally almost grew a sideburn.
- Every time I went to him, my hair got shorter and shorter, while the sideburn area grew longer and longer.
- Seated on his left, Georgia had the misfortune of being eye level with an oozing pimple buried in his scraggly sideburn.
- He definitely has a unique sound not to mention a unique eyebrow/sideburn situation, but LA says he's seen Nick do better.
- “Hm,” Nilly said, scratching his left sideburn and sounding even less thoughtful and intelligent than he had during his earlier hms.
- Look at the video with the singer pretending to get drunk at a crap pretend-indie bar; gaze in awe at the baldy drummer's beard/sideburn arrangement.
- Of course, going on a BRA tour means I've got to look my best, so I treated myself to a "day of beauty" yesterday consisting of a manicure, pedicure, facial, haircut, facial haircut, and of course a thorough "sideburn" waxing.