IPA: sˈaɪdʌkɑr
- A one-wheeled attachment to the side of a motorcycle to allow for a separate seat for a passenger or cargo space.
- A cocktail made with cognac (or brandy), triple sec liqueur, and lemon juice.
Examples of "sidecar" in Sentences
- The vote on the sidecar is also the vote on HR3590. cboldt: House enrollment of the “deemed passed” self-executing rule is conditional on passing H. Con.
- In Congress, the word sidecar doesn't call up images of a one-wheeled device precariously attached to a motorcycle — but it's a risky vehicle all the same.
- When the HCR sidecar is introduced, the House will produce a rule that ties the two bills together for a vote while retaining their nature as separate bills.
- If the sidecar is unrelated to the first bill (HR 3590), then I agree that HR 3590, by passage of the sidecar by the House alone, is in condition for presentment.
- Sidecar Faces a Bumpy Ride In Congress, the word sidecar doesn't call up images of a one-wheeled device precariously attached to a motorcycle — but it's a risky vehicle all the same.
- March 16, 2010, 5: 16 pm thefncrow says: cboldt: If the sidecar is unrelated to the first bill (HR 3590), then I agree that HR 3590, by passage of the sidecar by the House alone, is in condition for presentment.