IPA: sˈɪdɝˈoʊsʌs
- (medicine) A form of pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of iron dust
- (medicine) The accumulation of hemosiderin in various organs of the body by people with a diet rich in iron
Examples of "siderosis" in Sentences
- Siderosis is a condition caused by excessive iron accumulation in the body, often resulting from repeated blood transfusions
- Patients with siderosis may require chelation therapy to help remove excess iron from their organs
- The diagnosis of siderosis can be confirmed through a liver biopsy, which reveals elevated iron levels
- Early detection of siderosis is crucial to prevent damage to vital organs, such as the heart and liver
- Siderosis can lead to serious complications if left untreated, making monitoring iron levels essential for at-risk individuals