
IPA: sˈaɪdstroʊk


  • A swimming stroke swum on the swimmer's side.

Examples of "sidestroke" in Sentences

  • But the scissor kick on my sidestroke took a bit of feeling out.
  • I fought the cold and the swell and built a kind of sidestroke rhythm.
  • It wasn't that I didn't have the strength, it was that I never swam sidestroke enough for it to be natural.
  • Mostly I did the sidestroke and froggy-backstroke Bardiac, queen of not-quite-real swimming strokes, and a bit of breaststroke.
  • Using a sidestroke kick or a breast-stroke, provided you have not dropped the victim, swim him or her back to the boat or to the shore.
  • Although it's out of fashion, I find sidestroke is by far the best for sea swimming – there's no putting your head in the water, so breathing and vision are easy: useful, as Byron would not have had goggles.
  • "I was swimming sidestroke, and began to notice a strange fluctuating and hissing noise under my submerged left ear; it was very eerie, like an echo in a vast dark room below, and I thought it must have been the grinding of pebbles and silt at the bottom of the sea."
  • I drew her down and we went to work sidestroke-like, while she nibbled and bit at my ears and chin and lips, gasping and shuddering like the expert trollop she was; I remember thinking, as she gave her final practised heave and sob, Susie was right: with another nineteen like this we'll be able to buy California after a year or two; maybe I'll stay about for a while.

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