IPA: sˈɪftɝ
- A tool for sifting, especially one for powdered cooking ingredients.
- (rare) One who sifts.
- Any lamellirostral bird, as a duck or goose, so called because it sifts or strains its food from the water and mud by means of the lamellae of the beak.
Examples of "sifter" in Sentences
- I used a sifter to separate the flour from the sugar in the baking recipe
- The sifter helped me to sift through the piles of paperwork on my desk
- The sifter caught all the large particles and left behind only the fine sand
- My grandmother's old sifter was passed down to me, and I use it in my kitchen every day
- The gardener used a sifter to remove rocks and debris from the soil before planting the seeds