IPA: sˈaɪ
- A deep, prolonged audible inhale and exhale of breath; as when fatigued, frustrated, grieved, or relieved; the act of sighing.
- (figurative) a manifestation of grief; a lament.
- (Cockney rhyming slang) A person who is bored.
- (intransitive) To inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, frustration, or the like.
- (intransitive) To lament; to grieve.
- (transitive) To utter sighs over; to lament or mourn over.
- (intransitive) To make a sound like sighing.
- (transitive) To exhale (the breath) in sighs.
- (transitive) To express by sighs; to utter in or with sighs.
Examples of "sigh" in Sentences
- When blushing Love first breathes its virgin sigh,
- He could feel the collective sigh from the attendants.
- A creak; a sigh; is it just the evening breeze, or something more sinister?
- If you read these three books you won't need me, sigh is the next entry in this blog.
- *nawt sure iffin et iz a “tummy-iz-beli-ful” sigh, oar a “yeah-wintur-iz-heer” sigh, butt! et iz a big sigh*
- I have to take back my words * hangs head in shame* I reali dun bloody believe this but * sigh sigh* WE GOT IN ..
- Im gonna have to sigh here... *sigh*... because as usual, New York's there and it's tiny, ignored neighbor, New Jersey, is not...
- The original reading is, not a _spendthrift's_ sigh, but a _spendthrift_ sigh; a _sigh_ that makes an unnecessary waste of the vital flame.
- Human†¦ I see human long time ago. †The small lie caught a sigh from the hunter, and when the man stood he kicked the little guy in the side.