
IPA: sˈɪgnʌɫmʌn


  • Somebody employed to operate the signals and points of a railway.
  • A member of the armed forces responsible for signalling.
  • Somebody employed to direct rigging or crane operations by providing a different point of view.

Examples of "signalman" in Sentences

  • In the commotion, a signalman failed to alert an oncoming train.
  • What on earth is "signalman" on about .... posted on another thread ....
  • In total, he called the signalman three times requesting help, and another London Underground member of staff, Dave Matthews, had called once, but the line was cut off.
  • You're a rifleman, a cook, a signalman... it doesn't matter how much you're promoted up the ranks: you always wear your specialty badge until the day they make you a General.
  • Navy signalman who survived a June 1967 attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats during the Six-Day War, a raid that killed 34 crew members and wounded 171.
  • Surely you would not call a signalman unfeeling because he held out a red lamp when he knew that just round the curve beyond his cabin the rails were up, and that any train that reached the place would go over in horrid ruin.
  • These 53% only amount to 37% of the total RMT members elligible to vote. being a signalman is a pretty responsible job and I find 99% of them to be sound and helpful lads, I don't want to see them screwed over or made redundant by the cnunts that are Netwank Fail management.

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