
IPA: sɪgnˈɪfɪkʌtɪv


  • (usually followed by of) That tends to signify or indicate; indicative
  • That has meaning or significance; significant

Examples of "significative" in Sentences

  • Thank you Dougal for sharing so significative story .
  • Non very significative but it sounds pretty rude, anyway.
  • Anyway, any Murdoch move is significative in the US election.
  • They must say the words significative, that is with the intention of consecrating (Benedict XIV, de SS.
  • Dilthey specifically follows Husserl in his account of how language contributes to "significative apprehension" (Dilthey 2002, 60).
  • Turkey is the traditional dish in Thanksgiving, one of America's most significative holidays, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
  • Pour la première fois, nous sommes confrontés à la limite de notre croissance et nous avons déjà consommé une part significative de nos ressources.
  • In any case, it would not be just generical "offspring" but specifically male offspring the ones who would have the relative advantage and also this advantage would require some significative ammount of Rh- women in the population in any case.
  • And because words (and consequently the attributes of God) have their signification by agreement and constitution of men, those attributes are to be held significative of honour that men intend shall so be; and whatsoever may be done by the wills of particular men, where there is no law but reason, may be done by the will of the Commonwealth by laws civil.

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