IPA: sˈɪɫʌkʌn
- (chemistry, uncountable) A nonmetallic element (symbol Si) with an atomic number of 14 and atomic weight of 28.0855.
- (chemistry, countable) A single atom of this element.
- (slang) Computing.
- (slang) A computer processor.
- Abbreviation of silicon chip. [A wafer of silicon on which an integrated circuit has been built; a microchip]
Examples of "silicon" in Sentences
- Silicon is a commonly used element in the manufacturing of computer chips and electronic devices
- The high demand for silicon in the tech industry has led to increased production and mining efforts
- Many household items, such as glassware and cookware, contain traces of silicon for added durability
- Silicon is also found in natural forms, such as quartz and sand, making it a versatile material
- Research is ongoing to explore new uses for silicon in renewable energy technologies