IPA: sɪɫfiʌm
- (historical) A plant, thought to be extinct, used in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in cooking and as a contraceptive.
Examples of "silphium" in Sentences
- The town even stamped a stalk of silphium on its coinage.
- laserpicium A substance obtained from a north African shrub called silphium.
- Some argue that the silphium seed pod, which is heart shaped, is where the design came from but the truth is lost in antiquity.
- Wikipedia reports that the seed of the silphium plant, used in ancient times as an herbal contraceptive, might be the source of the heart symbol.
- Cyrene was famous for its horses and export of the valuable but pungent plant silphium, used in seasoning and many medicines, including contraceptives.
- Further, Persia produced a coarse kind of silphium or assafoetida; it was famous for its walnuts, which were distinguished by the epithet of "royal"; and it supplied to the pharmacopeia of Greece and Rome a certain number of herbs.