IPA: sˈɪɫvɝsaɪd
- Any of several small fish, mostly in families Atherinidae and Atherinopsidae, both in order Atheriniformes, that are characterized by bright, silvery scales.
- (Britain) The upper side of a round of beef.
- (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, informal) corned beef made with this type of meat.
Examples of "silverside" in Sentences
- The silverside fish gleamed in the sunlight as it swam gracefully through the ocean waters
- The chef prepared a delicious meal of roasted silverside beef, seasoned with herbs and spices
- The silverside of the coin was worn smooth from years of being passed from hand to hand
- The silverside of the moon cast a soft glow over the nighttime landscape
- As the train passed through the countryside, I caught a glimpse of a silverside stream winding its way through the hills