
IPA: sˈɪɫvɝsmɪθ


  • A person who makes articles out of silver usually larger than jewellery.
  • A surname originating as an occupation.

Examples of "silversmith" in Sentences

  • That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work.
  • Paul Revere , the patriot who in April 1775 spread the news that the British were coming, was a master silversmith.
  • "I've told you before - Kugu the silversmith is the only one who ever said anything like that to me," Talsu answered.
  • It was our ingenious cutler, whom ever after we called silversmith, that proposed this; but the gunner told him, that he had been in the Red Sea in
  • "silversmith," who will ask a pound sterling for a bit of metal which cost him perhaps five shillings or even less, and who hates to be bought by weight.
  • It's about a comfortable Boston silversmith risking his life to warn about a clever British night march to seize colonial arms and stop a revolt in its tracks.
  • In what is called the silversmith's quarter, amid filthy lanes, full of dirty children, mangy dogs, and moping cats, we find hovels containing finely wrought silver ornaments manufactured on the spot by the natives.
  • We visited what is called the silversmith's quarter, but it was utterly unlike what such a locality would be elsewhere, composed of one-story mud cabins, in narrow filthy lanes full of chickens, mangy dogs, cats, and quarrelsome children.
  • Colonist and silversmith Paul Revere rides through the night to warn the "Well regulated militia" in Lexington that the British are coming and an armed citizenry turn out on the village green and defy the Crown with armed resistance at the Concord bridge.

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