
IPA: sˈimʌ


  • (architecture) The upturned edge of a roof which acts as a gutter; a cyma.
  • (geology) The lower layer of the earth's outer crust that underlies the sial and is rich in silica, iron, and magnesium.
  • A surname.

Examples of "sima" in Sentences

  • They would later be buried with the "sima" stone placed on top.
  • In Thai these are called "sima" (see-maa) and are often leaf shaped.
  • Tubers are peeled, sun-dried, ground into flour and made into stiff porridge, sima (Digo).
  • Mai compy haz sima… simlr… almost same problem… and iz sorry if my lolspeak be bad… iz nu to loling…
  • As for the Bozo, their name for Sirius A is sima kayne, which translates literally as 'sitting trouser.
  • The forms of it (the bandage?) are the simple, the slightly winding (called ascia), the sloping (sima), the monoculus, the rhombus, and the semi-rhombus.
  • They were clad in brilliantly-painted cloths, and the soldiers were armed with the saw-toothed war-club, the bow and arrows barbed and poisoned with the juice of the euphorbium, the cutlass, the “sima,” a long sabre (also with saw-like teeth), and some small battle-axes.
  • The Dharmagupta and Mulasarvastivada ordination procedures differ concerning the number of rules kept by shikshamana (Dharmagupta six, Mulasarvastivada twelve), the texts and words recited during the bhikshuni ordination ritual, the extent of the large and small ceremonial boundaries (mtshams, Skt. sima, Pali: sima) that are set up for the ordination ritual, and the numbers of bhikshus and bhikshunis required in the ordaining assembly.

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