IPA: sˈɪmum
- A hot, dry, suffocating, dust-laden wind of the desert, particularly of Arabia, Syria, and neighboring countries, generated by the extreme heat of the parched deserts or sandy plains.
Examples of "simoom" in Sentences
- The intense heat and dryness of the simoom winds swept across the desert, causing waves of sand to shift and swirl
- Travelers in the Sahara desert knew to seek shelter when the simoom approached, as its scorching winds could be deadly
- The simoom blew in from the south, carrying with it a suffocating blast of hot air that seemed to suck the moisture from everything in its path
- Even the hardiest of plants wilted under the relentless onslaught of the simoom, their leaves shriveling and turning brown
- The simoom was feared by all who lived in the desert, its arrival heralding a time of hardship and struggle for survival