
IPA: sˈɪmpɝ


  • A foolish, frivolous, self-conscious, or affected smile; a smirk.
  • A surname.


  • (intransitive) To smile in a foolish, frivolous, self-conscious, coy, obsequious, or smug manner.
  • (obsolete) To glimmer; to twinkle.

Examples of "simper" in Sentences

  • On the other, she has a tendency to simper that can be a little grating.
  • But I, and most right-thinking people, don't need the enjoyment of our lives intruded on by your constant, hectoring simper.
  • Is this what women are doing when they simper over bad boys – turning the female talent for self-loathing into an everyday hell for the women who actually end up dealing with them?
  • There is nothing, for the conversation has been as lead, but the smile does not subside; it only passes through the endless variations that succeed each other from the inane grin to the affected simper which is meant to be tender.
  • Still, Pan Am and even the Playboy Club look like feminist manifestos in comparison with the new Charlie's Angels remake, which pulls off the improbable trick of apparently requiring its cast to wear less and simper more than they did the first time round.
  • In the morning, before I got up, Strap came into my chamber, and, finding me awake, hemmed several times, scratched his head, cast his eyes upon the ground, and, with a very foolish kind of simper upon his face gave me to understand he had something to communicate.
  • Christine O'Donnell and witchcraft, the brain-crushing demagoguery in August about the proposed mosque in Manhattan? it needs someone like Stewart or Colbert to step in and introduce perspective, and to expose what's happening for the nuttiness it is, while Democrats simper in the corner in fear of Fox News.

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