
IPA: sˈɪmpʌɫtʌn


  • (derogatory) A simple-minded person lacking common sense.

Examples of "simpleton" in Sentences

  • No, you arrogant simpleton, that isn't just the way it is.
  • And it means you engage in simpleton, “just world” thinking.
  • But it seems fitting that one of the most ardent supporters of a simpleton is a simpleton.
  • One is called a simpleton when one demands that oaths be held sacred; our crimes are nameless.
  • In D. C.'s power corridors, he's known as a simpleton, but in reality he's much more dangerous.
  • It was not the first time that she had been called a simpleton, or some kindred name, by the out-spoken Miss
  • A certain simpleton was once walking along, haling his ass after him by the halter, when a pair of sharpers saw him and one said to his fellow, “I will take that ass from yonder wight.”
  • Because, as Mr. DeVito makes abundantly clear, there are and always have been two Yogi Berras: 1) the public celebrity — a goofy, good-natured, strange-looking (sportswriters at the time used far-worse adjectives), malaprop-spewing simpleton from the Italian slums of St. Louis and 2) the real person behind the public persona, a far more complex and intelligent character.
  • But now when an Egyptian simpleton is tortured by the hands of a Libyan officer - a government representative - in an official police station for a prolonged period of time with the intention of torture and homicide, and when the guy is shipped back in a pile to spend the rest of his life incapacitated - when all of that happens, will we see thousands of Islamists demonstrating in his defense?

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