IPA: sˈɪmpɫɪzʌm
- The trait of oversimplifying things by ignoring complexity and complications.
- An instance of simplistic behaviour such as might cause loss of the nuance and complexity of a concept or issue, or overlooking of important details.
Examples of "simplism" in Sentences
- Blaming him for everything that happened would be historical simplism.
- A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism.
- By non-fundamentalist, I mean he opposes "simplism" or simple minded thinking.
- Union would be historical simplism, because no man by himself could have created certain conditions.
- Despite his descent into simplism and banality in his later work, this poem shows the brilliant talent he possessed as a young poet.
- The economic situation is very much like that, and the ranting you hear about how it's going has major components grounded in simplism.
- The issue of Clark’s supposed flip-flop on the war is as Josh Marshall says part of the media’s apparent embrace of “simplism as the new integrity.”
- Your analysis falls into the typical simplism of those who dont understand the complexity of our HCS and tends to be trivialize it in a simple argument of Amricans being backward and caring more for their money than their country's health and so on.
- Perhaps its because rather than insight and thoughtfulness, Greenwald and his black-and-white philosophical simplism comforts those who are too lazy or too insecure to do the heavy-lifting it would require to wrap their minds around complex issues, most of which resist being corraled into highly partisan explanations.