IPA: sɪnsˈɪr
- A male given name
- Genuine; meaning what one says or does; heartfelt.
- Meant truly or earnestly.
- (archaic) clean; pure
Examples of "sincere" in Sentences
- In fact the word sincere literally means “without hypocrisy.”
- What he is into is -- is a very sort of what he calls sincere, frank dialogue.
- She looked at him, evidently judged his expression sincere, and sat back down.
- How very few people are capable of what you call sincere heterodoxy, in morals or religion!
- Katz is an independent creative that works with brands to develop what he calls sincere experiences for people.
- He is sincere, I am certain, _sincere_ even in his most despotic acts -- from a sense that that _is_ the _only_ way to govern ....
- Napoleon, Burns, Cromwell, no man adequate to do anything, but is first of all in right earnest about it; what I call a sincere man.
- He is stern and severe -- with fixed principles of _duty_ which _nothing_ on earth will make him change; very _clever_ I do _not_ think him, and his mind is an uncivilised one; his education has been neglected; politics and military concerns are the only things he takes great interest in; the arts and all softer occupations he is insensible to, but he is sincere, I am certain, _sincere_ even in his most despotic acts, from a sense that that _is_ the _only_ way to govern; he is not, I am sure, aware of the dreadful cases of individual misery which he so often causes, for I can see by various instances that he is kept in utter ignorance of