IPA: sˈɪnɛkjˈʊr
- A position that requires no work but still gives an ample payment; a cushy job.
- (historical) An ecclesiastical benefice without the care of souls.
- (transitive) To put or place in a sinecure.
- Requiring no work for an ample reward.
- Having the appearance of functionality without being of any actual use or purpose.
Examples of "sinecure" in Sentences
- The CEO's brother was given a sinecure position in the company, despite having no qualifications for the job
- Many people envy the politician's sinecure role, which comes with a hefty salary and little actual work
- The company's HR manager was accused of creating sinecure positions for her friends within the organization
- The wealthy heiress was given a sinecure role at the family's foundation, where she could show up whenever she pleased
- Despite protests from employees, the company continued to offer sinecure positions to well-connected individuals