IPA: sˈɪndʒ
- A burning of the surface; a slight burn.
- (transitive) To burn slightly.
- (transitive) To remove the nap of (cloth), by passing it rapidly over a red-hot bar, or over a flame, preliminary to dyeing it.
- (transitive) To remove the hair or down from (a plucked chicken, etc.) by passing it over a flame.
- Obsolete form of sing. [(intransitive) To produce musical or harmonious sounds with one’s voice.]
Examples of "singe" in Sentences
- Be careful cooking over an open flame, you don't want to singe your eyebrows
- The campfire crackled and sent sparks flying, threatening to singe the hem of my jacket
- The heat from the candle was so intense that it started to singe the edge of the tablecloth
- She felt a sharp pain on her arm as the hot oil from the frying pan singed her skin
- The dragon's fiery breath was hot enough to singe the grass beneath its feet