IPA: sˈɪŋgʌɫt
- A set of one, an item not part of a larger set, particularly
- (physics) A multiplet having a single member, especially a single spectroscopic peak.
- (physics, quantum mechanics) A quantum state having zero spin.
- (psychology, informal) A person who does not have a form of multiplicity, i.e. a single persona occupying one human body.
- A single piece of clothing, particularly
- (UK, Australia, Ireland, Nigeria, New Zealand, Singapore) A sleeveless buttonless shirt with a low-cut neck.
- (sports) A one-piece, tight-fitting uniform, usually made of spandex or nylon, required in wrestling and powerlifting.
Examples of "singlet" in Sentences
- The wrestler wore a tight-fitting singlet during the match
- They only had one singlet left in my size at the store
- The athlete won the race in his bright red singlet
- I prefer wearing a singlet when I go for a run in the hot weather
- She looked confident and strong in her black singlet at the gym