
IPA: sˈɪŋgɫi


  • In a single or unaccompanied manner; without a companion.
  • Individually; particularly; severally.
  • Without partners, companions, or associates; single-handed.
  • Honestly; sincerely; simply.
  • (obsolete) Singularly; peculiarly.

Examples of "singly" in Sentences

  • But most instances of bias are defensible when taken singly, which is my point.
  • Of the three it may be a question which is most entitled singly to represent it.
  • "Happy citizen," the stone reads, "when called singly to be a barrier to the liberties of a continent!"
  • They had been whites, all of them, these poor murdered people, and they had been slain singly, in pairs, and in parties.
  • No one anywhere near except a sick sailor and one she would almost rather die than call singly to her aid, for he had once told her he loved her.
  • In Il deserto rosso (Red Desert), characters emerge singly from the ghostly fog as they watch Giuliana walk away from the car that she has almost driven off a pier.
  • [_If 'irrational' here means simply 'non-rational,' or non-deducible from the essence of either term singly, it is no reproach; if it means 'contradicting' such essence, Mr. Bradley should show wherein and how_.]
  • For God has absolute and paramount lordship over the creature wholly and singly, which is entirely subject to His power: whereas man partakes of a certain likeness to the divine lordship, forasmuch as he exercises a particular power over some man or creature.

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