IPA: sˈɪŋsɔŋ
- A piece of verse with a simple, song-like rhythm.
- An informal gathering at which songs are sung; a singing session.
- Bad singing or poetry.
- A drawling or monotonous tone, as of a badly executed song.
- To utter in a singsong voice.
- (obsolete) To write poor poetry.
- Like a piece of singsong; simple and melodic, varying in pitch (of tone of voice etc.)
Examples of "singsong" in Sentences
- The children skipped along the path, their voices rising and falling in a singsong melody
- The old man hummed a singsong tune as he rocked back and forth on his front porch
- The teacher used a singsong voice to capture the attention of her young students
- The wind rustled the leaves in a singsong whisper as it danced through the trees
- The baby babbled in a singsong language all her own, delighting her parents with each new sound