
IPA: sˈɪŋgjʌɫɝaɪz


  • (transitive) To make singular.

Examples of "singularize" in Sentences

  • Either singularize the subject or pluralize the verb.
  • That which you singularize, I pluralize and I believe I am more accurate about that.
  • It doesn’t singularize the lover, writing over and over again, “beloveds,” and the pointedly awkward “yous.”
  • Often when you try to run a script and forget about plurality, RoR will attempt to automatically pluralize or singularize for you ­ this can be annoying.
  • Here are the Class and Property Naming Preferences settings to singularize Northwind EntityType names, pluralize EntitySet names, and remove the underscore from the Order_Detail (s) name wherever it occurs:
  • The article plays its essential role, which is to singularize an object among the class designated by the noun, which is a possibility that does not exist in English, since it uses the article in both cases.
  • Jewish suffering in occupied France was further relativized by two contradictory attitudes: an insensitivity, born of hostility, to the murder of Jews; and a generous universalistic desire not to singularize Jews as victims but to see them primarily as human casualties of German terror and Vichy perfidy in France.
  • He who pays should call the tune, and in this instance I believe it is in the best interests of all concerned that the Metropolitan Corporation should be charged with full responsibility for the operation of the Toronto Jail, in as much as it is paying the cost, and will then be in a position to give specific attention to the particular considerations which singularize working conditions in this area from those which prevail elsewhere in the province.

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