IPA: sˈaɪnʌsɔɪdʌɫ
- A sine wave (or combination of such waves)
- (mathematics) Having the shape or characteristics of a sine wave.
- (anatomy) Relating to any of several channels (the sinusoids) through which venous blood passes in various organs.
Examples of "sinusoidal" in Sentences
- The waves on the water were sinusoidal in nature, rising and falling in a smooth, repetitive pattern
- The graph of the function displayed a sinusoidal shape, with peaks and troughs evenly spaced along the x-axis
- The sinusoidal motion of the pendulum was mesmerizing to watch, swinging back and forth with perfect symmetry
- The sound waves emitted by the speaker were sinusoidal, creating a soothing and harmonious tone
- The sinusoidal pattern of the dancer's movements captivated the audience, flowing seamlessly from one position to the next